Coaching Search Heating Up
Pitt’s coaching search is heating up with members of the administration taking a bigger role and as expected, the list of legitimate candidates is down to only a few names.

Pitt has been very aggressive in their pursuit of Tulsa head coach Todd Graham. Graham is said to be Steve Pederson’s top choice and other officials appear to be on board with the pursuit.
Graham who will be tough to get out of Tulsa due to his family ties, is said to be at least mulling the possibility of coming to Pitt but money is a big factor.
Those in the industry say it’s going to take at least $1.75 – $2 million per season. Sense is that he’s going to stay Tulsa and decline the opportunity with Pitt but as of this morning Graham is still considered a “possibility” one contact with ties to a high ranking official told Inside Pittsburgh Sports.
The hot name right now is Penn State defensive coordinator Tom Bradley. Pitt conducted a phone interview with Bradley late Tuesday afternoon and Bradley is one of the candidates that the administration is zeroing in on.
During the first go around, Bradley wasn’t even on Pitt’s radar as Steve Pederson had full reigns on the search and was given that kind of authority by chancellor Nordenberg. That’s not the case this time around and if Bradley ends up being the guy, which is looking like a real possibility, he won’t be Steve Pederson’s guy.
That will bring into the question as to what’s the point in even having Pederson around anymore.