The Pittsburgh Penguins continue to be regarded in league circles as ‘lean’ trade Drew O’Connor than possibly playing things out and resigning O’Connor in season or after the season. A main factor at play is the Penguins have To read this insider news, subscribe to get “Inside Access”!

To their dismay, one feeling around the team is the coaching staff in particular have been bracing [hide] for an O’Connor trade sooner than later. An NHL executive with a Western Conference team that has intertest in O’Connor expects O’Connor to be moved within the next month and said once Pittsburgh gets comfortable internally with To read this insider news, subscribe to get “Inside Access”!



— The Penguins four game winning streak has quieted the scrutiny towards Mike Sullivan for now. Had Pittsburgh moved on from Sullivan after the Utah game, if there’s one franchise that would have hired him within five minutes it’s tonight’s opponent the New York Rangers. New York has constantly had their ear on Mike Sullivan’s situation in Pittsburgh dating back to the 2023 summer……..

— The Penguins in the draft pick buying business potentially taking on Jacob Trouba’s To read this insider news, subscribe to get “Inside Access”!

— Hearing Bryan Rust ended up the 16th rated To read this insider news, subscribe to get “Inside Access”!

— The Rangers shopped Chris Kreider around in attempt to clear space and get assets for a big return at young star. Vancouver, Boston, Carolina, To read this insider news, subscribe to get “Inside Access”!